Year: 2017

2018 Dates

The dates for our 2018 events are proposed as follows: Sat 27 Jan 2018 Sun 4 Mar 2018 (RPi Foundation Big Birthday Weekend) Sat 19 May 2018 Sat 15 Sep 2018 Sat 24 Nov 2018 Dates can be subject to

Posted in News, Press Releases

September 2017 workshop files

Files from our September 2017 workshops are now available: • These include: • LED Lightsaber • Minecraft Coding with TNT and Lava • Voice Control It also includes a torrent file for our custom Raspbian image which is ready-made

Posted in Tutorials

June 2017 workshop files available – Minecraft – Motors

Files for our June 2017 workshops are now available: This includes: PiZ Moto motor code (Python) Introduction to Minecraft Programming (Python)

Posted in Tutorials

Mini Maker Competition

Hear ye, hear ye!! This is to announce an exciting event that will be taking place at Cotswold Raspberry Jam on Saturday 23rd September 2017. We will be running a mini-maker competition for all children who are (or were) in

Posted in News, Press Releases

Workshop files for March 2017 now available

Workshop files for our 25 March 2017 event are now available from: These include: • GPIOZero Lego Traffic Lights – by Andrew Oakley • GUIZero Cat Name Generator – Pictures, Buttons and Colours in Python – by Laura Sach

Posted in Tutorials

How to update Raspberry Pi Raspbian operating system software

You don’t need to bring your own Raspberry Pi to our tutorial workshops, but if you do, you’ll need to make sure your Raspberry Pi’s Raspbian software is up-to-date. Your Raspberry Pi will need to be connected to the internet

Posted in Tutorials

Dates for 2017

Our event dates for 2017 are: Sat 28 Jan Sat 25 March Sat 24 June Sat 23 Sept Sat 25 Nov Tickets will usually be available 4 weeks before each event, sometimes earlier. Please join our mailing list to be

Posted in News

Files for Jan 2017 tutorials now available

Downloads for the tutorials/workshops from our Saturday 28 January 2017 event are now available: • These include: • Distance Sensor tutorial – how to wire up the super-cheap HC-SR04 distance sensor and take readings with Python using GPIOZero. Also

Posted in Tutorials

Photo Competition 2017

We need some photos of Gloucestershire and Cotswold landmarks to use as desktop backgrounds for our custom distributions of the Raspberry Pi operating system, Raspbian, for our events this year. We include our workshop/tutorial files, WiFi setup etc. with these

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