Files for Jan 2017 tutorials now available

Downloads for the tutorials/workshops from our Saturday 28 January 2017 event are now available:

These include:

Distance Sensor tutorial – how to wire up the super-cheap HC-SR04 distance sensor and take readings with Python using GPIOZero. Also an advanced coding exercise demonstrating how to take readings without GPIOZero for those interested in the details!

Web Server and HTML tutorial – how to install a web server on your Raspberry Pi and write your first two web pages in HTML. For those wanting more, there’s also a second document which goes into more detail about enabling and disabling server daemons, plus installing, upgrading and removing software. Go from newbie to sysadmin in two sessions!

Minecraft Village workshop – use a program to build one house. Then run the program many times to very quickly create a whole village!

SD card image – a Bittorrent .torrent file of our complete custom Raspbian SD card image, with all the tutorials set up for you – and also all of our previous tutorials.

As usual, the downloads include the Python code, an easy-to-print PDF and an editable .DOCX source document. All our tutorials are public domain, so you can copy and edit them however you like, for any purposes, without having to ask us.

Our next event will be Saturday 25 March 2017. Join our mailing list to be notified as soon as free tickets are available to be booked.

If you want to say thanks, please consider making a donation.

Posted in Tutorials