Bring your own Pi to our tutorials

For our Sat 26 Sept 2015 event, you’ll be able to bring your own Raspberry Pi to our tutorial sessions, as our new venue is much larger. We’ll be providing 6 tutorial machines for those without Pis, which at two pupils per machine means at least 12 pupils per tutorial, but the room is much larger and has many, many more screens, keyboards and mice (approx. 30 workstations) – so bring along your own Raspberry Pi (and power supply) to the tutorial if you can. We will provide some spare SD cards for the tutorial with everything already set up, and if I get time I’ll post an 8GB SD card image for download from our website a couple of days before, for those who prefer to use their own cards.

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As the new tutorial will be teaching larger numbers, I could really do with a Raspberry Pi-savvy assistant to help pupils with technical problems during the tutorial. This could include anything from plugging in and powering up a Pi, to helping with GPIO cables, LEDs, resistors and basic Python debugging under IDLE. Please email if you can help.

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